path: root/src/solverwindow.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-08-03Adds an option to mark cells with a unique solution.Stijn Buys
2013-07-18Solves a bug where the overwrite file warning shows the wrong filename,Stijn Buys
adds a visual indication if a sudoku grid has been solved.
2013-07-13Cleaned up message boxes,Stijn Buys
unified "Save" and "Save as" overwrite warnings.
2013-07-13Adds a status bar.Stijn Buys
2013-07-12Removes the revertstate, as it is no longer being used,Stijn Buys
2013-07-12Cleans up user interface actions and message boxes.Stijn Buys
2013-07-12Removes sidebar buttons,Stijn Buys
adds current filename to the window title, adds a Move -> Guess option to the menu bar, adds messageboxes to the Step, Guess and Validate actions.
2013-04-26Added brute-force search algorithm.Stijn Buys
2013-04-18Added ui menus, added solve() method.Stijn Buys
2012-09-30Added validity test, API cleanup.Stijn Buys
2012-08-05Added revert button.Stijn Buys
2012-07-25Added initial coverage solver.Stijn Buys
2012-06-05Implemented load, save and clear functionality.Stijn Buys
2012-06-05Added solverwindow and sidebar buttons,Stijn Buys
added Sudoku value container class.